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Our vision is to evolve the way organisations achieve resilience.

We believe the current resilience technology landscape is fragmented, leaving resilience teams stretched for resources and system-hopping. It adds to the complexity when preparing, adapting and responding to dynamic risks and disruptions across multiple sites and regions. It promotes short-term survival at the cost of a sustainable resilience strategy.

We want to change that. We believe every business needs a resilience operating system (resilienceOS).

We've set out on an exciting journey to build the ultimate resilienceOS. Join us as we unveil it and understand how it can help you achieve sustainable resilience at local, regional and global level. You'll be able to:

  • see it in action and explore multiple use cases across safety, security, risk and critical event management
  • get a glimpse of the simplicity, accuracy, adaptability and control resilienceOS can bring
  • learn how to unlock additional value from your existing systems to boost business resilience

Join us as we step into the future of sustainable business resilience.



Thursday 15th JUNE | 11:00am (BST) | 2:00pm (GST)

Register today to save your place on our launch event.