Connected Resilience Engine

Get smarter with your approach to resilience organisation-wide

Your interrelated systems and stakeholders add to fragmentation and complexity when trying to enhance resilience. You can bridge the gap with a connected resilience engine, able to ingest data, run multi-threaded real time location analysis, provide risk monitoring and impact calculation, enable smart action and response. Less blindspots, more resilience.


Don't just bounce back, leap forward and be proactive

Give yourself the time back from the day-to-day gathering, recording and making sense of information. Shift focus on action, forward thinking and building long-term organisational resilience by relying on a unified operating environment.ย 


Multi-threaded real time location engine across people, assets and supply chain

Real-time dynamic risk monitoring and impact calculation

Smart action and response centre for just-in-time risk mitigation, safety and security

Low code data ingestion ecosystem to unlock value from existing and new systems

Diagram showing how Restrata's Connected Resilience Platform extend security to encompass duty of care

Real-time, concurrent geolocation processing

Gain unparalleled visibility across your entire operation. Enhance safety, security, and operational efficiency by monitoring multi-threaded locations across people and assets simultaneously. Swiftly identify and address potential risks, optimise resource allocation, and make informed decisions with confidence. Stay ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Unparalleled visibility, control and action from globe to room

Go from globe to room within seconds to better understand operations and risks. Pinpoint areas of concern, monitor asset and personnel movement with precision while on site and in transit. Boost situational awareness so that you can act, adapt and respond to dynamic disruption and risks in real-time.

restrata connected resilience engine global map screens

Multi-threaded real time location engine across people, assets and supply chain

Real-time dynamic risk monitoring and impact calculation

Smart action and response centre for just-in-time risk mitigation, safety and security

Low code data ingestion ecosystem to unlock value from existing and new systems

An image of the Restrata Connected Resilience Platform showing how it dynamically assesses and predicts risk impact

Real-time impact monitoring and calculation

Use powerful predictive algorithms to assess potential impact to your people and assets based on risks events happening now or in the future. Minimise avoidable disruption across your organisation by anticipating, preparing and adapting faster to dynamic risks, incidents and critical events.

Tap into a descentralised risk marketplace

Prepare for, assess, mitigate, act and adapt to changing world events to protect your people, assets and supply chain. Access multiple specialised, local or global risk intelligence data that can equip you with the right information to make more informed decisions, faster. De-risk your business, boost duty of care and gain a competitive edge.


Smart action and response centre

It's never only about data and what you know, but also what you can do about it. Insights across people, risks, assets and supply chain don't need to only be accurate and useful, but also actionable in order to run a lean, resilient operation locally and globally. You can use the action and response centre to communicate, notify, escalate, collaborate and adapt in the face of disruption or crisis.

Two desktop screens and a mobile screen all showing aspects of the Restrata platform

Unlock additional value from existing and new systems

Enhancing your resilience is made easy by an ever-growing, low data ingestion ecosystem. You can connect your existing systems or look for new ones that can help you eliminate blindspots, complexity or fragmentation. From risk intelligence, open source data to HR, travel, IoT and access control, you can plug in additional data sources with ease.

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