Case Study: How Genel Energy improves workforce visibility and safety

The challenge

Genel Energy is an independent oil and gas company with operations in Kurdistan, Iraq. The company has a workforce of over 2,000 people spread across multiple sites. In 2020, Genel Energy was looking for a solution to improve its workforce visibility and safety.

The global pandemic posed additional HSE challenges that put the sites and operations at risk. Genel needed a solution that would allow them to:

  • Monitor and track the movement of their workforce across sites
  • Improve worker safety
  • Manage risk more effectively

The solution

Genel evaluated a number of solutions before choosing Restrata’s resilienceOS. resilienceOS is a cloud-based platform that unifies data sources and provides real-time visibility of workers, both on-site and in-transit. The platform also includes a range of features to improve worker safety, such as mustering, emergency response and travel management.

The result

“resilienceOS helped our operations a lot. Where previously we used physical paper and a T card system – this is a digital system. It’s a lot easier, a lot quicker, and a lot cleaner, I’d say. To communicate and get these things done, you’re not invading anyone’s privacy or anything. You’re just taking account of where people are. I think that’s a big plus for any company.” – Genel Energy

Genel has been using Restrata since 2021 and has seen a number of benefits, including:

  • Real-time visibility of the workforce: Restrata provides Genel with real-time visibility of their workforce, both on site and in transit. This information is critical for safety planning and emergency response.
  • Improved worker safety: Restrata includes a range of features to improve worker safety, such as mustering, emergency response and travel management. These features have helped Genel to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.
  • Better risk management of COVID-19: Restrata includes a number of features to help Genel manage the risk of COVID-19, such as track & trace, prohibited access & capacity management, social distancing and contact tracing. These features have helped Genel to keep their workforce safe during the pandemic.
  • Reduced manual muster time by 80%: Restrata has helped Genel to reduce manual muster time from 1 hour to less than 10 minutes per muster. This has saved Genel a significant amount of time and money.

Overall, Genel Energy is very pleased with the benefits that they have seen from using Restrata. The platform has helped them to improve their workforce visibility, safety and risk management.

Want to boost your people visibility and safety? Talk to us and see how resilienceOS can transform your operations. Book a meeting with one of our specialists.