Case Study: How Mitsui E&P Australia Improved their Incident Management

Before Restrata:

Mitsui E&P Australia, a major player in the Oil & Gas field in the Asia Pacific, had a big job to tackle: being able to manage incidents well.

They had two large sites and a 50-person team. Their old way? A manual board and basic logging tools. This made it extremely hard to keep track of everything accurately and respond quickly during emergencies.

The Problem:

Mitsui needed to:

  • Keep detailed records of their responses for audit trails.
  • Know exactly what was happening in real time across different teams.
  • Quickly send clear and accurate updates to their Crisis Management Team in Tokyo.

The Solution: resilienceOS ICM

After evaluating different options on the market, Mitsui chose restrata’s resilienceOS, and the Incident and Crisis Management (ICM) module. This system was customised to their unique needs, providing:

  • Detailed maps of their Australian sites that could be monitored at all times.
  • Custom setups for their Incident and Crisis Management Teams, making sure they could react quickly and effectively in any emergency.

The Transformation:

After adding resilienceOS ICM, Mitsui E&P Australia saw huge improvements:

  • They became more efficient and effective at handling incidents and emergencies
  • Their response rate dramatically increased during trial exercises
  • Their reports to the Tokyo team were sent out much faster and with higher accuracy
  • Their confidence and peace of mind increased, knowing their response efforts were optimised

Now, they can confidently grow their business without risking safety or efficiency.

Why This Matters:

In Oil & Gas, Mining, and other Heavy Industries, fast and coordinated response to incidents is key. Mitsui’s proactivity in onboarding the resilienceOS ICM module means they’re not just ready to face today’s evolving risk landscape; they’re staying one step ahead – ensuring their operational safety is secure.

With Restrata’s resilienceOS, you’re not just handling problems; you’re staying ahead of them. You get a system that anticipates and understands the potential risks and impact of incidents. With this tool, you can make smart, fast decisions with clear real-time information.

Want to boost your incident management? Talk to us and see how resilienceOS can transform your response. Book a meeting with one of our specialists.