
11-13 SEPTEMBER 2023

Meet us at Expo Suite #4494

We're a global software company providing an operating system for resilience - resilienceOS. A single source of truth and action across security, safety, risk and critical event management.ย 

This enables security teams, from GSOCs to small, federated teams, to monitor and manage multi-source operational risk, enhance duty of care across employees, travellers and visitors, provide just-in-time comms and alerts and streamline critical event management.ย 

If you find yourself having to hop between systems, struggling with availability and accuracy of data, trying to close resource gaps whilst safeguarding people and assets, it's worth a conversation.

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Book a demo at GSX

Coffee is on us at GSX, grab one and enjoy it whilst on a demo of resilienceOS.

Achieving resilience in a fragmented landscape


We believe the resilience technology landscape is fragmented, leaving teams stretched for resources and system-hopping. It adds to the complexity when trying to ensure duty of care across employees, visitors and travellers, keep assets secure, understand and manage multi-source risks across regions, ensure just-in time communication and response with those affected by disruptions, contribute towards seamless incident ad crisis management. You need a simple way to understand, security and risk, clarity around impact and the confidence to respond in real-time.

We believe you need a resilience operating system (resilienceOS).

We've set out on an exciting journey to build the ultimate resilienceOS. Helping you evolve the way you achieve resilience - enhancing security, ensuring duty of care, managing risk and responding effectively to disruption of any kind.