The Evolution of the Modern Global Security Operations Centre (GSOC) in a Tech-Driven World

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    Restrata Team
    Restrata Team

    Security has always been a cornerstone for organisations, ensuring safety and fostering an environment conducive to growth. However, with the technological revolution reshaping every facet of our lives, the landscape of security has evolved, demanding a more tech-centric approach. The importance of a robust and agile Global Security Operations Centre (GSOC) cannot be overstated. With the global annual revenue from security software reaching nearly 61 billion dollars in 2021, it’s evident that organisations are investing heavily in their digital defences. The broader information security market further accentuates this trend, with a staggering revenue of over 150 billion U.S. dollars in the same year.

    The global physical security market size is expected to grow from USD 102.3 billion in 2020 to a projected USD 153 billion in 2023, with a compound annual growth rate of 10.3 percent from 2017 to 2023 (1). Nearly 90 percent of industry professionals agree that their business saw a dramatic increase in physical security threats over 2021 and continuing into 2022, making investment in the right tech top priority (2).

    A Historical Perspective

    In the past, security was synonymous with physical protectionโ€”guards, gates, and surveillance cameras. But as the digital realm expanded its influence, the boundaries of security extended beyond tangible threats, encompassing cyber risks and digital vulnerabilities.

    The Digital-Physical Convergence

    Our interconnected world blurs the lines between the digital and physical. This convergence necessitates a holistic security approach, one that safeguards both realms. The challenge is twofold: ensuring security teams operate in tandem and leveraging technology to bridge the gap between digital and physical threats.

    Shift in security policies due to hybrid working

    The shift toward hybrid and flexible work seems here to stay. With it, many organisations are reassessing their access control policies and the hardware that enables those policies. Mobile-first access control โ€” where a system userโ€™s smartphone is the primary tool for gaining access to controlled spaces โ€” is rapidly gaining ground.

    Redefining Security Operations Centres with Technology

    Modern Security Operating Centres (SOCs) and Global Security Operating Centres (GSOCs) are no longer just physical hubs. They’re tech-driven nerve centres that provide a common operating picture. By integrating various security systems and tools, they eliminate system fragmentation, offering a unified view that drastically decreases blind spots.

    This integrated approach ensures that data from various sourcesโ€”be it surveillance feeds, cyber threat alerts, or personnel trackingโ€”is consolidated, analysed, and acted upon in real-time. The result? A shift from a reactive stance to a proactive approach, where potential threats are identified and mitigated before they escalate.

    Harnessing Technology for a Unified Security Approach

    The power of technology in modern GSOCs cannot be understated. By creating a common platform, organisations can streamline their security operations, ensuring swift, coordinated responses. Advanced analytics and AI-driven insights further enhance this, predicting potential security breaches and facilitating preemptive measures.

    The Road Ahead

    In the tech-driven era, a unified, integrated approach to security is not just beneficialโ€”it’s imperative. By harnessing the power of technology and fostering collaboration across security teams, organisations can navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and resilience.

    You canย book a demo on resilienceOSย here to discover how it empowers GSOCs around the world with better visibility and control over security and safety across people and assets.


    Relevant Statistics and Quotes:

    1. System Surveyor
    2. ASIS International